Meetings and Events

20 Years of NYC*BUG and Can We Handle 20 More?, George Rosamond
2024-04-03 @ 18:45 local (22:45 UTC) - NYU Tandon Engineering Building (new), 370 Jay St, 7th Floor kitchen area, Brooklyn

The New York City *BSD User Group officially launched at Linux World Expo on January 2004 with a packed birds-of-a-feather session. The first meeting was held on February 4th.

Several of us starting pulling together the group in December 2003, and carefully planned for the events.

That makes January 2024 the official 20th anniversary of NYC*BUG, which is a long time in user-group years.

Like every other organization, NYC*BUG's history isn't a simple linear process. There were ebbs and flows, some due to our own decisions and activities, others due to the larger world.

But we are still operating, with regular monthly meetings after the pandemic, and still constantly assessing and reassessing what we're doing and where we're going.

This isn't going to be a straight-forward presentation. Rather, the input from everyone who experienced the trajectory at any moment is vital for drawing a full picture. That input will provide important ingredients for the more polished version of this presentation at BSDCan May 31 through June 1st.

We look forward to input from those who have been part of this journey.

Hopefully the outcome will be a rich image of the history.

George Rosamond is a founder and long-time admin@ member of NYC*BUG. He's the co-founder and CTO of ClearOPS, a privacy and security technology startup. A sysadmin by trade with citizenship in BSD Unix land, his area of interest and expertise lies with privacy-enhancing technologies, most importantly with the Tor Project. He thrives on creating and designing unorthodox solutions to ordinary problems, but so do most other people in the *BSD community.

Offsite Participation: We plan to stream via NYC*BUG Website unless the speaker requests otherwise. Q&A will be via IRC on channel #nycbug - Please preface your questions with '[Q]'