Meetings and Events

Reproducible builds on NetBSD, Christos Zoulas
2018-02-07 @ 18:45 local (23:45 UTC) - LMHQ, 150 Broadway, 20th Floor

I will talk about my recent work getting reproducible builds on NetBSD. The talk will be based on information that I first posted at:

and it will have more detailed examples of the toolchain, build, and application changes that every OS needs to make to achieve reprodicibility.

I will also discuss the meaning of timestamps and other "build-specific" information that needs to become predictable for fully reproducible builds, and if it is worth faking in the first place to achieve identical built artifacts at the media level.

I live in New York City and work in the Finance Sector. I spend most of my free time with my kids. When they let me I try to write and fix things for NetBSD/file/tcsh/libedit/... and other pieces of code I've worked on over the years.