Meetings and Events
Notice: Location Change
An operating system is a piece of code intended to help computer operators load punch cards -- hence "operating". The timesharing system was created to allow interactive shared access to the handful of computers which existed at the time. We will examine what is in the interactive punch card loader in 2017, what actually belongs in there, and why things are the way they are. Like science, the talk is highly religious. Unlike computer science, the talk is grounded in reality. Discussions, heretical opinions, and questions are encouraged
Antti Kantee has been a NetBSD committer since the 1900's and has managed to do many sorts of damage. He is probably best (or worst, depending on who you ask) known for his decade-long workhaul on rump kernels. Antti very recently moved to the Princeton area, so in case he appears particularly absent during his talk, he got lost on the way to the venue.
- meeting video (recorded and processed by Patrick McEvoy and Christos Zoulas)
- slides