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High Availability with FreeBSD Jails and ZFS, Isaac (.ike) Levy
2011-06-01 @ 18:45 local (22:45 UTC) - Suspenders Bar and Restaurant

After 14 years of jail(8), it`s mature enough for "high availability"

It`s been a long while since we heard a talk on FreeBSD jails from Ike.

In the 14 years since it was committed to FreeBSD, little has fundamentally changed with FreeBSD jail(8), yet the surrounding toolset has pushed jailed virtual servers to a level of noteworthy sophistication and polish- (as though any UNIX tool could really claim to possess either).

New and sexy jail(8) tools:

Base material that will be covered (quickly):

Who wants jails?

Why do these people want jail(8)?

Isaac (.ike) Levy is a Sr. UNIX Engineer at Tablet Inc., the cure for boring travel.

Ike has always been obsessed with high-availability systems and transparent failover, mostly because he likes to sleep at night. Standing on the shoulders of giants, his background includes partnering to run a Virtual Server ISP before anyone called it a cloud, as well as having a long history hacking internet-facing applications on UNIX systems.

.ike has been a part of NYC*BUG since it was first launched in January 2004. He was a long-time member of the Lower East Side Mac Unix User Group, and is still in denial that this group no longer exists. He has spoken frequently on a number of UNIX and internet security topics at various venues, particularly on the issue of FreeBSD's jail(8).