Meetings and Events

Java on FreeBSD, Trish Lynch
2006-01-04 @ 18:00 local (23:00 UTC) - Apple Store (SoHo)

Trish will explain how Java can be a useful and stable environment on FreeBSD, as well as the particulars that go into deploying Java in such a highly stressed, highly attacked environment. Trish will also show where the pitfalls and idiosyncrasies with FreeBSD`s java lie, and how to get the most of the FreeBSD/Java production environment.

The name Trish Lynch is not unknown in BSD circles. Trish has been around since the mid-1990's doing advocacy and some small development, but what Trish is known for is deploying BSD into companies that have networks in disrepair or otherwise strained to the limits using Linux, and turning them into works of gold. First doing this at VA Linux/Andover.Net, Trish is known for putting BSD firewalls in front of Slashdot, a well-known and heavily trafficked Linux news site, later on, Trish won an Emmy Award by using FreeBSD in a high performance network designed to handle millions of viewers for interactive television at ABC's Enhanced TV. These days, Trish is deploying FreeBSD boxes with java on them to multiplex video and voice at the 4th largest private Instant Message infrastructure, Paltalk.