Meetings and Events

The Summer of Code, Jan Schaumann
2005-10-05 @ 18:00 local (22:00 UTC) - Apple Store (SoHo)

The Summer of Code is a Google program designed to introduce students to the world of open source software development. NetBSD, one of the oldest open source projects and generally regarded as the most postable operating system in the world, is pleased to participate in this project as a mentoring organizations. The list of possible projects for students to choose from shows that any completed project will benefit the entire Open Source community. Here is the list of accepted projects. In this meeting, Jan Schaumann (who coordinates and overlooks the NetBSD Projects mentorship efforts within the SoC) will present an in-depth summary of these exciting new developments within NetBSD, how the projects started out, what progress they made, what difficulties were overcome and what final achievements were made. New insights on Open Source mentorship and user-developer relationships as well as lessons learned that apply to all open source projects will also be presented. A full list of all accepted projects will be made available soon; a full list of all completed projects will be made available before the meeting.

Jan Schaumann works as a System Administrator in the Department of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, USA, where he maintains a large NetBSD environment across dozens of desktops, numerous public laboratories, and a number of clustered high performance computing facilities and servers. The tasks involved in all of this are, as any SysAdmin will know, far too many to be listed here.